Mat Leave: Day 2 - Not much going on
Ok so second day of mat leave has settled in. I think people think I could be delivering any day now, but I’m actually 38 weeks right now (and full term is 40 weeks). I had to leave 2 weeks prior to my supposed due date, hence I don’t expect much activity happening any time soon. Also typically on avg for the first child, it’s very very common to go 5-10 days past your supposed due date, so that means this babe is likely going to come towards end of the month and possibly first few days of Feb!Pregnancy is weird because everyday I feel different. This must help prepare me for when the dumpling comes because I imagine one day will be amazing and another day will be deplorable. Anyways, yesterday I was feeling great and got a lot of stuff accomplished and even went back downtown to meet up with coworkers in town for dinner.
In comparison, today was a slow start because I had a super restless night of sleep from not being able to get comfortable. I woke up and ate a light breakfast, took Frankly out, came back and was exhausted so snoozed for a bit, woke up to eat again and then fell back asleep. I didn’t get up again completely until noon! I felt devastated that HALF MY DAY WAS GONE and that I didn’t get anything done!
Hence when I finally woke up, I hauled ass to my laptop to get my #1 priority done today, which was complete my EI application. 2 hours later, much confusion, several pings to a coworker asking for clarification, waiting on the phone to talk to someone from Service Canada - I finally got it done! Now I just have to wait for them to send me something in the mail, and then do a lot of praying I get paid correctly.
Next on the agenda for today:
Pack my hospital bag, baby bag + fill out health and emergency contact forms
Fold and put away all the baby clothes I had washed 2 days ago. Folding baby clothes is weird… it’s so little!
Purge my closet - go through all the coats + jackets that I have that I want to sell. I have a LOT and Dan said it’s “one in, one out” and I’ve recently acquired several new coats so… several GOTS to go.
None of the above is remotely interesting to me, so I figured I would conclude today’s blog post by reviewing the weird things I’m currently obsessing over:
I’m currently trying to procure the perfect tape measure. Why? Because I’ve been taking one everywhere with me for the past 3 months. Ever since we moved into our new house and I was responsible for the furnishing and design of the whole place, I need to measure shizzle out at a moment’s glance. My interior designer friend turned me onto this one below, now I’m just debating whether I should pull the purchase trigger on it:
I’m also trying to source a magnetic dry eraser board, but one that isn’t one of those ugly classroom or boardroom looking ones. This has been tremendously hard to do, and so far it’s SLIM pickings. I found these below at CB2 but Dan didn’t like them…
I’m debating just getting them though because historically speaking, anytime Dan has never liked anything I’ve purchased - in the end he’s always realized that aesthetically I was always right. Lets be real, we all have our strengths and bring something different to the table - his domain in the household is finances, numbers, boring things, etc, whereas my domain in the house is pop culture, aesthetics, fashion, celebrities, etc. It’s best for everyone to remember to STAY IN THEIR LANE!
Another one I just saw though is from the same brand as the tape measure above, found here - it’s kind of expensive though and I don’t know if it’s any better than the CB2 one.
So in conclusion for my second day of waiting, I wasted half the day snoozing + eating, took forever to apply for EI, and then spent too much time looking at things online that don’t really matter to anyone except for my OCD.