If I asked you to name all the things you could buy for $2.00 what would you list? The following are the things I could come up with - and please note I had trouble coming up with this list:

  • 2 dollar store items (although recently my dollar store has been pricing things above $1.00 so it could just be 1 higher quality "dollar store" item

  • A bag of chips (on sale)

  • A can of soup

  • Socks

  • A dog treat

  • Popsicle

  • A tiny bag of chips from my office vending machine

  • A pen

  • Post its (on sale)

I could probably squeeze my mind grapes some more to get 2-3 more things on the list, but I think you get the point - which is that there are very few things you could get for $2.00 that would be substantial or significant.

Cue my Monday splurge for myself - which I had previously spoken about in another blog entry here that I call the 'treat yo-self' strategy.  While everyone is aware that I have a shopping problem, the thing that is also well known about myself is that I CANNOT pass up a good deal. I will VERY rarely pay full price for any sort of fashion related item - and Monday proves no different! 

After work it was dreary and rainy and I decided to pop into the Gap on my way home from work. I rarely go into the store but the allure of the SALE! SALE! SALE! sign was too strong for me today.  That's where I stumbled upon this gem - a perfect spring canvas tote bag!

Two dolla bag

Two dolla bag

This baby has handles if you feel like swinging it OR straps to put on over your shoulders when your swinging hand gets tired. Plus it has two front pockets to stuff additional things in beyond the main compartment.

This bag cost $1.97

I'm sorry but how is that possible???!!!! I think that's OUTRAGEOUS.  This puppy is going to come quite in handy when I start my 6 week nutrition and yoga workshop that begins tomorrow night. I'm going to stuff this bad boy with my yoga gear and running shoes.  The fact that I also bought a pair of shoes during this same trip (which I'll save to post on another day) and used this very bag to carry the shoes in means its already paid its worth!

So people out there, if you find yourself with an extra TWO BUCKS in your pocket - pop on over to the GAP and get this because WHAT ELSE can you buy for $2 that could be as useful as this bag will be?!

lifeKaty Hung